以往研究发现,疼痛诱发的gamma频段高频振荡信号(gamma band oscillations,GBO)是最能客观反映疼痛程度的特异性生物指标之一(Hu &Iannetti, 2019; Peng et al., 2018)。然而,GBO的神经起源一直以来存在较大争议:有些研究提示,GBO可能来源于初级躯体感觉皮层(primary somatosensory cortex,S1)(Peng et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2012),而另一些研究则支持GBO起源于初级运动皮层(primary motor cortex,M1)(Schulz et al., 2012)。值得注意的是,这些研究多借助脑电技术研究GBO的特性,但脑电空间分辨率低,难以明确GBO的脑内神经电生理活动基础。
More and more people are publishing eye-tracking research in open-access journals. This is due, in large part, to the increased number of open-access journals as well as greater interest in publishing research that anyone can use and view without paying for access. For ease and convenience, there …